We will continue to commit to ensuring an enjoyable and healthy Warzone experience, we're happy to provide information on important community-focused updates as well as the current fixes and the plans for the future of Warzone.
The release of Season Two of Call of Duty(r): Vanguard and Warzone will be the next stage in our commitment to enhance your gaming experience.
In the last week, we released a wealth of brand new content that is coming this year. But, all of that is important to our main goal to provide the players with a positive and enjoyable gameplay experience.

This is done by improving and fixing what's already out. Season Two along with patches made available during its delay, and the updates that are scheduled following its release - is designed to do exactly that.
Naturally there are exciting plans to implement across the entire franchise this year, but at present our focus is at the Warzoneexperiencewe currently currently playing right now, working on addressing our the current issues, and working on some important issues raised by our fans.
These are the current plans we have:

Our Priorities for Warzone
Our top prioritization of our team will be "Quality of Life" - making changes that will allow Warzone to become more user-friendly and less stressful for our users.
Examples include more than 30 enhancements coming with Season Two's start, which include:
Improvements in all aspects of movement, including vehicles handling, parachutes that deploy at a lower elevation as well as a greater height for the player's mantle and collision fix for players and vehicles.
It's the Gas Mask animation no longer interferes with Operators' the targets.
When you insert Armor Plates the plate fills an entire armor plate prior to refilling the damaged plates.
In addition, we are fixing bugs as well as problems. In Season Two we will be tackling various issues, such as the following:
Issues with streaming and performance such as Buy Station freezes and voice chat connectivity and blurred graphics for all operating systems.
Specific Operator skins being invisible at certain distances.
Blocks from Modern Warfare(r) Multiplayer, tied in Warzone's game launcher.
Our Call of Duty teams in our studios are monitoring the sentiments of the community and every aspect of daily action that takes place in the game. Everything we learn helps us spot issues to address the issues, and this is always on top of issues discovered during the game's development and then fixed prior to the game's release.
In the end, we'd like to concentrate on the things that make Warzone entertaining for our players: where gaming is the primary focus, and where innovative features aren't introduced without regard to stability.
Another area of focus is the communication within the community. The debrief, our blogs, Raven Software's Patch Notes as well as the activities the dedicated community managers and our social media teams play a a part of keeping players updated on what's going on with regard to Warzone, Vanguard and various other Call of Dutygames.

Addressing Top Community Requests
Alongside performance enhancements for all operating systems, we've received feedback from the voices of the Warzone community loud and clear regarding their top requests regarding Warzone.
Field of View (FOV) sliders on consoles are just one of the most popular.
The addition of FOV on consoles within Warzone will have significant performance issues for older generation console gamers. The goal of our team is for Warzone to provide a smooth experience on all platforms, which is why we are not planning to add an FOV Slider for consoles at this time.
We also recognize that we don't respond to all community requests in our official communications. We are however reaffirming the dedication to listening to these concerns and making sure that there are that there are productive and positive internal discussions that developers engage in before solutions if they can are implemented.
Season Two is the next significant step towards constantly improving your gaming experience. We remain extremely grateful for the input from our community.

Future Plans
We also wanted to provide a glimpse into what's coming up to come by 2022 in Call of Duty. We are excited to share some more details below.
Keep warm, my friends.
The latest installment of Call of Duty is an update to Warfare(r) Modern Warfare(r) 2019.
The brand new game and the brand new Warzone adventure have been created from scratch.
Expect a major improvement to Battle Royale with all-new playspace and a brand new sandbox mode.
A brand New engine is behind both the brand new Call of Duty game and Warzone.
The development of both the brand new Call of Duty as well as Warzone Warzone Experience are directed by Infinity Ward.