The Pubgy anti-cheat functions of any software are undoubtedly the most significant however, even though they aren't the most well-known but they might be considered to be just that well.

Without proper anti-cheat measures you're PUB hacking days will be only for a short time. The servers would discover that you're hacking very quickly, and you'll be exiled - there are instances when people were exiled from their gaming platforms for hacking.
It's illegal to hack and as a potential hacker, you must be aware of that. The company who sells the hack which is the case unless there was a flawed PUB security system put in the system.
Fortunately, Cheats aim will never offer their clients an unsatisfactory anti-cheat program in their hacks for PUB. This is a death sentence in the majority of cases, and only hackers who are low-cost are willing to compromise in this manner.